Angello Talks About ‘Lights’, Future Plans and more

  1. Hey Angello! Glad to have you here to talk with you about your latest release ‘Lights’.

Thank you EDMNOMAD for having me & yea let’s do it!

  1. Can you please tell us more details about ‘Lights? How did it come to life and when?

I started the project I would say 6 months ago. I had an initial idea with the vocals & baseline but didn’t have a direction I wanted to take it until 3 months ago I came across the file again & started messing around, liked where I was going with it & finished it.

  1. What sets ‘Lights’ apart from your previous work, and why should listeners tune in?

Normally with my previous tracks from the beginning I know how I want them to sound, But with this song I knew it was something special & I wanted it to sound exactly how I envisioned it. It’s pure rave/energy & normally with other tracks you have the break after the drop but I wanted to keep the energy going without it losing its momentum. 

  1. How would you describe your sound?

To be honest with you I don’t know, I guess you could say emotion & energy really. I like to make whatever sounds good & interesting to me. 

  1. Who is Angello and why music? At what age did you get into music and how? 

My love for music started at a really young age. I was 8 years old when my Father introduced me to electronic music for the first time. He was also a Dj & I grew up listening to Underground, Disco, Hardstyle, Trance, you name it. I remember scrolling through YouTube & I came across a video titled “Tomorrowland 2010 or 2011 after movie” & it ignited something in me, it was the first time I ever got goosebumps & felt pure raw emotion of excitement! It opened up my world to different genres of music & fell in love with it. As for producing, I didn’t get around to producing music till I was a freshman in High School. But it wasn’t really producing, just a kid messing around thinking what I made sounded cool hahaha. Then I stopped for a while because my parents wanted me to mainly focus on my studies to get a good job. Once I got to college I tried to continue my studies but deep down I knew what I really wanted to do & what path I wanted to take. 

  1. Do you remember the name of the first song that made you love electronic music? 

The song was called “Living on video” by Trans- X.  Honestly l’m only 24 yrs old I should be saying something modern from the 2000’s haha. But like I said before, I grew up listening to old school bangers thanks to my father. 

  1. Who or what has been your biggest inspiration throughout your music journey?

Honestly I few but an artist who inspired me and I look up to is Martin Garrix. I’ve been following his work since “Animals”. He’s someone that keeps positive & works very hard, He’s someone I would love to hopefully meet one day & talk too about life & music while eating a slice of good pizza! 

  1. What’s the one activity you love doing in your free time when not making music?

I like being active so I spend at least an hour at the gym almost everyday. I did a little bit of Muy Thai as well but had to stop due to work scheduling, Quick shoutout to my fam SSMT! 

  1. Can you tell us more about your dream and future collaboration and what do you hope to achieve in the next 3 years in your professional career?

I dream of hopefully making this a full time opportunity. I love this scene so much for what it represents & how many people from different backgrounds can come together & enjoy music. Future collaborations? I’m open to working with anyone! But if I could pick one I would say The Weekend foreshore. I hope within these next 3 years I get the chance to perform at a venue & hopefully work with different artists & producers. I already made the step of releasing music, I just need to keep putting in the work & continue to have faith.

  1. This is all for now. Thank you for your time answering our questions. Where can our community find out more about your music and your future releases?

Thank you guys for having me! It’s been fun sharing my story. You guys can check out all of my links on my instagram (@iangellomusic) I also do updates on future releases/collabs and updates on what goes on in the life of angello. 

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