Alexso Talks About his Music Career and How he is Taking the Music Industry by Storm

  1. Hey Alexso, how are you? We’re glad to have you here! Today we’re going to ask you some questions about you and your music career.

Hi glade to be here, I’m very busy these days making music, shooting music videos, touring.

2. At what age did your passion for music start? What sparked this passion?

When I was 16 years old, I heard DISCO and Techno music on the radio. I was fascinated by electro at that time, and I also liked this career very much. By chance, in 1997 I met a DJ from Shanghai in the club when I was 17 years old. After several years of study and creation, I released my first music work in 2002.

3. What do you think it takes for a music producer and DJ to succeed in this industry?

I think study hard  DJ & music production technology is the most basic to do, and that is very important for your music career planning, Create a unique label for yourself, whether it’s music or Character setting, In the end, production, performance, planning and promotion are all essential. Finally, you have enough patience and persistence to wait for the right moment.

4. You’ve been involved in the music industry for a long time now. How different was it 10 years ago than it is now? What has changed?

10 years ago, DJs in China could only gain some recognition by producing localized electronic music suitable for Chinese people’s taste, but the biggest difference now is that a group of top Chinese electronic music artists have surrendered their development direction to internationalization. More young people in China are also joining the electronic music business.

5. From where do you get the inspiration while you’re producing music? Do you have any ‘rituals’ or do you simply open your DAW and start producing?

I get inspiration in many places, when I travel, when I go shopping, when I listen to other artists, etc… There is no instrument when it comes to my creative work. I am a person who pays special attention to efficiency. It is my consistent practice to enter the creative state as soon as possible and find the flow mode of work quickly.

6. How would you describe your music style? Is there an artist that inspires you and your sounds a lot?

My works are not strictly distinguished from others in terms of music style, but most of my works contain a lot of Chinese elements, including Chinese Musical Instruments, traditional Chinese cultural elements, and even cultural elements of Chinese ethnic minorities.

Tiesto, BT, Fatboy Silm and other artists from 20 years ago are the ones that keep me going.

7. What do you love doing in your free time? What hobbies do you have?

I love travel and play billiards

8. What future plans do you have for your music career? Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?

I want to achieve my goal of internationalizing my music career within 3 years. Later, I will teach more  young Chinese music artists, and I will run my own label and artist agency at the same time.

But I still do a little bit of showing. Because I still really enjoy the stage.

9. Was your music career affected by the pandemic that hit the world? How did you cope with the lockdowns?

Under the situation of the global epidemic, China controlled it very well, which did not have a great impact on my music production and performance, but a lot of festivals are canceled. During the epidemic period of 2020-2021, the trend of electronic music in China changed greatly, and many international artists were unable to enter the Chinese market. As a result, China’s music pop style began to shift to a more local and commercial style and interrupted the process of electronic music trends from 2014 to 2019 to integrate internationally.

10. This is all for now! Thank you for answering our questions. We’re looking forward to seeing what else you have prepared for us when it comes to new projects, releases and collaborations!

In September, I will release my new work “DISRUPTION” on my own label ECHO STAGE RECORDS, which is a combination of thick Chinese style and Glich Hop. I also shot the Music Video of this Music in Xi ‘an, which a city ancient capital with traditional Chinese characteristics.

The new single “About You”, which I collaborated with Lost Capital, is our first transnational collaboration. It has a returning House rhythm and a futuristic Vocal. I believe fans will definitely like it.

I collaborated with Fatman Scoop on a new single. I can not spoil much about this new ID, but I can tell you that it is a music with strong Chinese style, it will be released in October. I am confident that this single has a chance to become popular on dance hit lists.

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