Nora En Pure Teams Up with Tim Morrison for ‘Come Away’

Following her majestic original creation ‘Wetlands’ last month, deep house Queen Nora En Pure teams up with Australian singer/songwriter Tim Morrison for a poignant vocal creation, ‘Come Away’ – out now Enormous Tunes.

Following her majestic original creation ‘Wetlands’ last month, deep house Queen Nora En Pure teams up with Australian singer/songwriter Tim Morrison for a poignant vocal creation, ‘Come Away’ – out now Enormous Tunes.


Expertly pairing Tim Morrison’s emotive vocal piece with a progressive blend, ‘Come Away’ perfectly balances melodic dance with radio-ready sensibilities. Building the instrumental arrangement upon a rolling bassline, Nora En Pure employs signature keys and cinematic strings, resulting in an instant classic that will leave a lasting impression on the listener.  


Flaunting an array of stunning original releases this year, Nora En Pure also recently worked her remix magic on Oliver Schories & Jan Blomqvist’s Packard’. Releasing a stunning self-produced music video for ‘Wetlands’, filmed in Switzerland, Nora En Pure demonstrated a new side to her creative talents. With live events still on hold around the globe, the Helvetic Nerd will take to the virtual events space, participating in the 1001 Tracklists Top 101 Producers of 2020 celebration in Minecraft, starting on October 30 2020. With another original track set for release next month, Nora En Pure continues to make every moment of the year count.

EDMNOMAD - Founder & COO


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