Steve Norton Sat Down Again in his Studio to Deliver a Bomb Track

Just clubbing – nothing more and nothing less is the motto of Steve Nortonfrom Germany, who brings life to every club and festival with his infectious DJ sets! In addition to the national club bookings, such as Bootshausin Cologne, HALO in Hamburg or all the important open-air festivals in Germany like: World Club Dome, Tante MiaTanzt, New Horizons, Strandfieber-Festival and many more. Besides being a world class DJ, Steve Norton is also a well-known producer.

For ‘True Love’ Steve Norton sat down again in his studio to deliver a bomb track. ‘True Love’ is a hot tune with chilled funky vibes and top-notch male vocals. Uplifting and catchy, this song is going to make you feel the true love for music! ‘True Love’ will be released on Sirup Records, the imprint of EDX. With the world opening upmore and more we are sure you will hear this track on many festivals.

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