ADE Online Reveals its Full 2020 Program

Amsterdam Dance Event will take place online between 21 October to 25 October

During this time every year, Amsterdam was the capital of Dance Music due to the Amsterdam Dance Event, but this year that doesn’t gonna happen because of the COVID-19 pandemic. So ADE 2020 will happen only online, and if you ever dreamed to attend to one of the events on ADE now’s your chance to watch the entire event from the comfort of your home.

The organizers put a lot of effort to keep the tradition going and they went fully online this year, the events are free to watch for everyone, but for some events, there’s a restriction and it’s required to have a digital PRO pass.

The full program between 21 October to 25 October can be found here.

Besides workshops, masterclasses, DJ sets, artistic cross-overs, there will be an extensive film program features premieres such as Larry’s Garage, plus a series of films from the Queer & Migrant Film Festival.

Photo credits: @amsterdamdanceevent (Facebook)

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