Embarking on an exciting new chapter in his musical journey, we had the chance to sit down with the talented DJ/Producer Meetch, as he introduces his listeners to the world of 'Digital Dance Radio', his latest endeavor that promises...
NFT collective Party Degenerates has partnered with The Night League to provide their token holders with unprecedented access to the world’s top nightclubs, Ushuaïa Ibiza and Hï Ibiza. To celebrate the longest season in the island’s history, Party Degenerates...
Rave The Future, a new project for NFTs and music lovers, is going to be launched on April 3. It is a collection of 10,000 unique computer generated Ravers with over 230 features handcrafted by one of the best...
Spinnin’ Records and Warner Music have teamed up with Psychedelics Anonymous for an unprecedented, life-changing giveaway, including an NFT experience prize pack worth over $100,000.00 (USD). Entry to the contest is free for everyone and can be achieved by...
Metaverse is going to take over the world as web3 and the music industry are merging into a single and more powerful entity! Metaverse Trillionaires, a group of metaverse explorers and pioneers is hosting a metaverse party for their...
First played during the Art Basel via Miami Art Week, the ‘Desperate ApeWives Anthem‘ is regarded as the corner stone of what is yet to come, with the ultimate goal being the bridge of the NFT space with that...