Luna The Rising – UNTOLD 2020 Theme revealed

"Sometimes, the tiniest spark of light is all it takes to reignite magic."

UNTOLD Festival has just released a short teaser on their socials revealing their theme for this year’s edition. Darkness, mystery, owls and magic are presented in the short clip, but Luna, our moon, is prevailing and thus, Luna The Rising is the theme of Untold Festival this sixth edition.

Luna The Rising | UNTOLD (teaser)

🌒Time has come for a new quest, Heroes of UNTOLD. Luna will be guiding your path! #LunaTheRising

Posted by UNTOLD on Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hundred of thousands of people attended the festival the past chapters and each year the organizers surprised the attendees with different themes showcasing the magical nature of the festival.

UNTOLD 2020 will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania on 30 July – 2 August 2020. Visit their website for more information.

EDMNOMAD - Founder & COO


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