TRUE STORIES – DOCUMENTARY by Avicii will be released this month on Netflix

Eight months after Avicii committed suicide in April 2018 in Muscat, we still talk about him. His documentary named True Stories will be able to be seen on Netflix on 27 December in the UK, US, and Australia. The documentary follows four years from Avicii’s tours and life if you didn’t have the opportunity to see it till now I recommend you to watch it.

Even inside the doc, Avicii admits “It will kill me,” referencing his exhaustive tour life. It also includes an ominous quote from his ex-manager Ash Pournouri: “Tim is going to die, with all the interviews, radio tours and playing. He’ll drop dead.” thing that happened in the end.

Avicii: True Stories will stream in LA in 14 dec and 21 dec in New York to qualify for Oscar consideration.

One day you'll leave this world behind. So live a life you will remember.


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