After a series of wildfires in Western Canada, upcoming duo Control Room have partnered with the Canadian Red Cross to donate all of the revenue from their single "Tenacity" to BC wildfire relief. The duo has received support from...
Over Easy, the Brooklyn-based DJ/Producer duo is becoming a household name in dance music. The rising talents combine their signature uplifting sound with high-energy sets while being versatile enough for the club and festival scene.
Their latest single "Anytime Tonight" was released...
Back in 2005 the world fell in love with Yves Larock and his infectious summer groove ‘Zookey’. After selling 150,000 copies in France alone and securing a top ten in the French charts, its success was absolutely eclipsed in...
Producer/DJ Azteck has had a rapid ascent to success in a short space of time, and yet his experience in the music scene is enormous, he has contributed writing and producer credits to many artists, working on a breadth...
Hello Le Pedre, how are you? We are glad to have you here in the light of a new release and an exclusive mix you did for us.
Hello everyone thanks for having me here it’s always a pleasure.
Your cover...
Hey LOVRA, thank you so much for joining us today! How are you?
Thank you so much for having me! I’m doing very well. I’m in the Maldives right now and right now the sun is shining on my face…...
Hey Aspyer, how are you? We’re glad to have you here to ask you some questions about your latest song on STMPD RCRDS and the guest mix you did for us.
Hey, everything is great, getting ready for a new...
Hey guys, how are you? And thank you for being here answering to some questions in the light of your latest release ‘Ready’ on Maxximize Records
Yoo Klaus!:) All good thanks, hope you too!
Can you tell us more about the...
E&A Events is one of the best-known event organizers around the world. Creators of the massive Don't Let Daddy Know and the Martin Garrix shows during ADE, they know how to create an unforgettable party. We had the opportunity...
1) Hey SKEDDY, how’s your day going? We’re happy that we have the chance to ask you a couple of questions about your latest song and future plans. What is your style as a Dj and Producer?
My Day is...